Board Meeting Minutes December 2021


BOD meeting

Date: 12.08.2021

Place: Honeywell Visitors Center/Zoom

Time: 6:06pm

Attendees: Steve Weiter (zoom),Bob Alexander, John Dobricki, Mike/Kelley Romano, Mike/Mary Jo Hyde (zoom), Eric Stanczyk (zoom), Andy Bragdon(zoom)


Revised meeting minutes from the November 10 meeting were approved.


Fly fishing School: Dates were discussed with John Dobricki suggesting taking the group to Nine Mile to fish, the two night in May. This decision should be left to Marty Ivery. Eric Stanczyk would like a two week notice if classes are to be canceled at the Hatchery, for any reason. Steve Weiter advised that would be done.


Financials:  Bob Alexander provided the following update; Checking/$5084.60, Savings/$8506.95; Total/$13,591.55


Chapter Tent: Bob Alexander feels we should spend the extra money and get a waterproof tent. He found one for $199.00, that is much like our current tent. We can decide by next meeting, Steve and Bob will purchase.


In Person Meetings: We can decide month by month, due to covid and it's variants.


Trout in the classroom:  There was question as to whether or not the State Council had a role to play beyond support and promotion.  We decided that no, they don't need to be more involved than that.  Bob Alexander- maybe a brochure that is informational and proactive, to promote. Kelley Romano-  where would she go to check info?  Steve Weiter- National sponsors the website,, but they really don't offer anything/link beyond the "city". Steve has been updating the Iroquois chapter website, but work is slow. There were some grand ideas to develop , but no volunteers to update and improve. Currently there are 2 programs, Marty/Cato, Matt/B'ville. Kelley Romano- How did Matt get started? Matt reached out to State Council and our group. Matt took the initiative!  BobAlexander- also knows of someone who also took it upon herself to look into.  Eric Stanczyk- until about 10yrs ago, there were 13 schools all around CNY that were doing Trout in the Classroom. Steve asked Eric for the list from that time.


Priority Waters: Tracy Brown's presentation to State Council was in November. Between DEC and State Council, all waters seem to be in the Adirondacks and Delaware.  What about CNY? Steve Weiter- pointed out info from state charts, Eric Stanczyk and Andy Bragdon gave their take on these as well. Andy is looking at our streams.  Mike Romano- states there are programs. Eric- doesn't recall the state funding any of our projects.  Steve- asking where to find collected info? Eric suggests the DEC, there's years of info, but not all is computerized.  Steve will ask Emily Hollweg-Zoran for the last population survey (5 years ago??). Eric suggests we think about Skaneateles Creek/City of Syracuse water monitoring.  Ken Crane is working on this.   Other areas have a flow gauge.  We should get behind getting a flow gauge at the dam.

Bob Alexander- Les Monestory compiled a ton of data, monitoring streams through Izaak Walton League..  Steve to contact Les and DEC, about the data.  Also, let's think about how we answer the other questions in that presentation.  Kelley Romano suggests sending them out to membership to see what we get.


Other items:  Izaak Walton League:  Culvert survey on Chittenango Creek, talk with Matthew Weber - can we partner with?  Steve to find out their goals and plans.


Newsletter:  Kelley Romano- target date is end of January, info deadline is January 23rd. Provide Kelley with anything we'd like to see, topics, etc.  Also, she will include a reminder for the questions on what National wants to know from each chapter, member feedback by 1/31/22.  News letter to go out on the 28th.  Bob Alexander to provide info on winter fishing and Limestone Creek update.


Our website:  Bob provided Steve info of conversation he had with Ken Crane, who is an IT Professional, Ken said he'd take a look at our website. Steve to reach out to Ken.


Next Meeting, January 12th, 6:00pm-8:00pm, hopefully in person at the Visitor Center, depending on Covid.

Fly Tying Night:  Per discussion with Steve and Paul Randall, possibly starting that back up, possibly at the Solvay/Geddes Youth Center or the Honeywell Visitors Center.  We'll discuss it at the next meeting.