Board Meeting Minutes February 9. 2022 Meeting

BOD meeting

Date: 02.09.2022

Place: Zoom

Time: 6:06pm

Attendees: Steve Weiter, Mike and Mary Jo Hyde, Bob Alexander, Andy Bragdon, Kelley and Mike Romano


Approval of January 12 BOD meeting minutes: Before accepting meeting minutes from January 12th meeting, Bob Alexander asked for clarification regarding the Mayfly monitoring on Skaneateles Creek; also regarding Steve Weiter's conversation with Emily Zollweg-Horan/Onondaga County DEC Fisheries Biologist for Region 7, and that all Data is not shared on the DEC website but is available if we request it.  Meeting minutes Accepted.


Financials: Checking/$5,938.21, Savings/$7,507.09, Total/$13,445.30. No change in income or expenses.  Money was transferred from savings to checking to avoid account minimum penalties. Bob Alexander to pay OCFSC dues of $50.00, all approved.


Newsletter: The second newsletter went out and the response has been good. In regards to the newsletter, Kelley Romano would like to keep it fresh and she asks that we provide any ideas we may have. Mike Romano talked of his idea of interviewing various people that we have reached out to before. Steve Weiter mentioned the Post Standard has a new sports/outdoors writer- Steve Featherstone.  Steve to contact him for information and what we are about. 

Next news letter to be out approximately end of March.

Steve Weiter to make corrections to Fly School times on the website.


Resumption of in person meetings post Omicron: March meeting to be held via Zoom,  April most likely to be the same. Kelley Romano suggested first in person meeting to be possibly May 4th, when we can be outdoors. Outdoor spots suggested are the Hatchery, Honeywell Visiting Center. The Romano's to check into meeting at the Yacht Club at Onondaga Lake; plan B is Mill Run Park in Manlius.  Picnic possibly June 8th/Monday.  Steve Weiter to talk to Eric Stanczyk, to reserve the pavilion. Mike Romano to confirm speaker, Mike Launer/Out-reach Community Science Institute, for May Chapter meeting. 


Earth Day Clean up/Creek Rats Collaboration:  Earth Day, which is April 22nd.  Kelley Romano reached out to the Creek Rats, spoke with Beth Teska, the Creek Rats are incoming students of ESF.  We are looking possibly volunteer. Will zoom with them possibly next BOD meeting, to discuss local clean up spots for April 23rd.


Other items:  Red flag testing with Mike Romano is moving to Skaneateles Creek (3 spots), then every other month on Limestone & Nine Mile Creeks.


Meeting adjourned 7:02pm